We provide electronic assistance to machines in the following branches of activity:
Textile area:
Circular machines:
Orizio, Pilotelli, Mayer, Terrot, Jumberca, Fukuhara,
MecMor, Vignoni, Pai lung, Keumyong, Jiunn Long,
Ssangyong and others.
Flat knitting machine:
Protti, Stoll, Shima-Seiki, Universal, Kao Heng and others.
Sock and seamless machines:
Lonati, Matec, Sangiacomo, Santoni, Sossan, WAC and others.
Ketten and Raschel Machines:
Karl Mayer, Liba, Kandler.
Finishing machines:
Conti-Complett, Rosso.
CNPJ: 04.366.347/0001-03 | Inscrição Estadual: 116.107.548.11 | Endereço: Rua Do Areal, 99 - São Paulo, SP - 01125-020 | Telefones 3223-6596/3222-4721